Item info: 'The error you’ve requested is already on file in our error analysis application “Black & Bleu™”. The analysis we send to you will likely be similar to what is contained in our analysis application.'
Pane ID: 0
Control ID: 1022
Display rect: x1=7, y1=184, x2=391, y2=216
Item type: -0x78
Item info: 'If you want our analysis of your error anyway then “Continue”. Otherwise just “Cancel” this request.'
Pane ID: 0
Control ID: 0
Display rect: x1=16, y1=12, x2=48, y2=44
Item type: -0x60
Item info: ''
Pane ID: 0
Control ID: 1023
Display rect: x1=0, y1=131, x2=395, y2=171
Item type: -0x78
Item info: ''
Pane ID: 0
Control ID: 1024
Display rect: x1=7, y1=80, x2=391, y2=128
Item type: -0x78
Item info: 'If you don’t have a copy of this application, you can download a free trial copy from our web site that includes the explanation of this error. The address is:'